我喜欢独自打发时间的英文 打发时间的英文


英语翻译许多人喜欢在周末时打发时间。 用带spend time的句子 也许是 many persens like to spend time on weekend

我喜欢独自打发时间的英文 打发时间的英文

打发时间的英文 打发时间count one's thumbgoofkill timepass time

我喜欢独自打发时间的英文 打发时间的英文

我喜欢独自消磨时间怎么翻译 I like passing the time alone.

我喜欢独自打发时间的英文 打发时间的英文

打发时间\"的的英文翻译_翻译打发时间\"的Killing timetime_翻译time 英[ta?m]美[ta?m]n.时间;次;时代;时刻;vt.为…安排时间;测定…的时间;调准(机械的)速度;拨准(钟、表)的快慢;vi.合拍;和谐;打拍子;[例句]Time passed,and still Ma did not appear时间一点点过去,马先生仍然没有出现。[其他]第三人称单数:times 复数:times 现在分词:timing 过去式:timed

打发时间的英文怎么说.. kill timeEverybody needs to relax themselves,have fun and kill time

英语翻译 Most of us who like watching TV,watching TV is bad,both good and according to the table,please write an composition,about 60 words.Advantage:helps us to understand things,bored to help us to k.

这张照片是我妈妈正在看电视.她最喜欢的电器是电视.因为电视里有许多不同种类的节目可以在她休息之余打发时间. this photo is that my mother was watching TVher favorite electrical is TVbecause there are many kind of objects in it and make she fell happy

英语翻译 In my free time.i often go to watch tv to kill time,especially enjoys watching the financial services,there are many people think television is a very dull and meaningless waste of time one thing.it is not,there's is a society,a large stage,let us know and understand of the world stage。

帮忙翻译一句话,要人工的,最好地道一些 Maybe we were just curiosity or just aimed to pass the time that we are together,I couldn't find the feeling I had with my ex-boyfriend.Something was just beyong the imagination.Or maybe i just love money but everything or anyone.

