山东师大附中第五次模拟考试语文 (2013·山东师大附中四模)仿照下面诗歌的拟人手法,选取新的事物,另写一组意思完整、句式相近的句子。(


2016届江西师大附中第一次月考英语试卷 I、ADCDCCDCABII、1.In a hospital.2.Forabout three days.3.Fast food.4.3/Three.III 1.How can I help you?What’s wrong with you 2.Did yousleep well last night 3.How long haveyou been like this 4.there is nofever 5.I’ll give you some medicineIV.1.I’ve been like this 2.I’ve caught a cold 3.I always spend two hours practicing 4.Let me take his temperature 5.told me to stop eating fast foodV、1.D 2.C 3.A 5.BVI、1.No one has discovered any life 2.we have already sent them 3.but she has never been 4.I saw him showing the foreignvisitors aroundVII、阅 1.In 1961.2.It sent the first space station intospace.3.A space station.4.Until the late 1980s.5.The history of space stations and whatthe life in space stations is like.VIII、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.AIX、Scientiststhink that there has been life on earth for hundreds of millions of years.Seven other planets go around the sun like the earth.However,none of them hasan environment like that of the earth.So scientists do not 。

山东师大附中第五次模拟考试语文 (2013·山东师大附中四模)仿照下面诗歌的拟人手法,选取新的事物,另写一组意思完整、句式相近的句子。(

(2013·山东师大附中四模)仿照下面诗歌的拟人手法,选取新的事物,另写一组意思完整、句式相近的句子。( (示例)嘴巴很豁达/吞得下所有辛酸/它又很狭隘/容不得一点是非。试题分析:结合例句,在形式上注意仿写句式的结构特点,即“事物(身体器官)怎么样/达到效果/又怎么样(转折、相反的角度)/达到效果”;内容上列举的事物应是身体上的某种器官,语意中要体现转折关系,一、三句角度相反,修辞上要使用拟人的手法。

山东师大附中第五次模拟考试语文 (2013·山东师大附中四模)仿照下面诗歌的拟人手法,选取新的事物,另写一组意思完整、句式相近的句子。(


山东师大附中第五次模拟考试语文 (2013·山东师大附中四模)仿照下面诗歌的拟人手法,选取新的事物,另写一组意思完整、句式相近的句子。(

