打算在家里养只狗英文翻译 简单的英语短语的翻译


很可爱的狗,是你养的吗?请问英文怎么说 谢谢 实在无法忍受这么多中式英语而且没人了解基本的西方文化,我给楼主地道的回答吧:Cute dog.Is she/he yours?讲解:老外形容动物之类的可爱基本用 cute,adorable,在西方,老外从不会用it来表示狗,只能用 he or she。

打算在家里养只狗英文翻译 简单的英语短语的翻译

英语翻译 1.She is a girl who is interested in travelling,swimming and playing table tennis.2.It's better if she keeps a pet dog.3.I hope to share the experience of travelling and taking care of pets together w.

打算在家里养只狗英文翻译 简单的英语短语的翻译

我非常想养一只狗,可是妈妈不同意.用英文怎么说 I want to raise a dog very much,but my mother doesn't agree

打算在家里养只狗英文翻译 简单的英语短语的翻译

我有一个宠物狗用英语翻译怎么说? 我有bai一个宠物狗用英语翻译是:I have a pet dog其中,have是拥有的意思,pet dog是宠物狗的意思。du例句1、I have a pet dog,he is a black Labrador,named\"Monkey\".我有一只宠物,它是一只黑色的拉布拉多犬。2、I have a pet dog named Lucky.It has white and soft furs with two small ears and a long tail.我有一个名叫幸运的宠物狗,它有白色的柔软的毛皮和两个小耳朵和一条长尾巴。扩展资料have的用法have的基本意思是“有”,指物zhi质上的所有、身心上的具有或构成上的含有。引申可作“享有”“容许”“招致”等解。have作实义动词时,是及物动词,接简单宾语,也dao可接双宾语,还可接以带或不带to的动词不定式、内现在分词或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。have可用作静态动词,也可用作动态动词。作静态动词时表示一般意义上的所有关系,不能用于被动结构;作动态动词时表示经历、完成等行为,可以但少用容于被动结构。

With the help of guide dogs,the blind can find the place where they want to go.英译汉 1、外面下雨了.我们还是呆在家里吧(instead).(翻译句子)It's raining outside.Let's stay at home instead.2、许多人喜欢养狗,因为狗能看家.(汉译英)Many people love keeping dogs,because dogs can be used to guard the house.3、With the help of guide dogs,the blind can find the place where they want to go.(英译汉)在导盲狗的帮助下,盲人们能找到他们想去的地方.

英语翻译 恩,写个既简单又准确滴。I am in favor of keeping pets,however my parents don't allow me to do so.They think keeping pets is troublesome.I used to raise three dogs but all of them died in less than five.

简单的英语短语的翻译 1.我在家里养了一条宠物狗 I have a pet dog in my house.2.这食物对他很有帮助 This food is good for him./This food is helpful to him.3。.

谁帮我把英语翻译成汉语 第一篇Liu jiang has a zoo at home.刘江家里有个动物园It seems that you've got a zoo at home,Liu jiang.刘江,好像你在家里弄了一个动物园啊yes,it's ture/嗯,对啊how many animals do you have?你养了多少动物?two dogs,three cats,five sheep,ten birds and some fishes.etc.两只狗,三只猫,五只绵羊,十只鸟,还有一些鱼,另外还有好多好多.oh dear,how can you take care of them all?我晕,你怎么忙得过来照顾它们啊?don't worry,my family members are all pet lovers.everybody is a king of a certain kind.不用担心,我家男女老少都喜欢动物,每个人都有自己的最爱oh,it's unbelievable.哦,真是难以置信do you like animals?你喜欢动物么?yes.i like horse best.i like riding.喜欢,我最喜欢马,我喜欢骑马。第二篇Holiday is coming.John Smith and Liu Jiang are talking about it.假期快到了。约翰.史密斯和刘江在谈论这个话题Where are you going to spend the holiday.Liu Jiang?刘江,这个假期准备去哪里?i'm going back to my home village.would you like to go with me?我准备回乡下老家。你要跟我一起去么?where 。

英语翻译,养一只狗作为你的宠物 优秀作文:疯狂恶狗想吃掉天鹅。鸭子帮助天鹅和恶狗搏斗。恶狗咬了猫。猫被狗传播了狂犬病。得了狂犬病的猫和恶狗一起把鸭子杀死。天鹅失去了鸭子的保护,危在旦夕。关键时刻,打狗队员过来把恶狗和猫一起打死。理智的人类为了预防狂犬病,实现了禁狗令,不允许养狗。小鸟的生命再也不会被狗威胁了!


