打算去旅游的英语对话 关于旅行的英语对话


求设计一个详细的旅游计划的三人英语对话,时长大概在3分钟左右。 Hi,Lucy,long time no see.How is everything going?好久不见,最近怎2113么样?5261Not so good.不太好What happened?怎么啦?You know the final exam is coming and I’m a little worried about my results.期末考试快到啦,4102我有点担心我的成绩Cheer up.I believe you can make it.振作起1653来,我相信你能办到的Thank you.谢谢By the way,do you have any plan about your coming holiday?Where do you plan to do?顺便问下,马上放假了,你们有什么计划吗?想去哪儿?I hope I can go to Yunnan during the spring festival.It is very beautiful and I am interested in the local culture there.The old building,the special custom,and beautiful scenery,everything is amazing。我希望今年春节能去云南。云南很漂亮,而且我对它当地的文化十分感兴趣。古老的建筑,独特的习俗,还有美丽的风景,一切都是那么迷人。And the Yulong mountain is very wonderful.If you have a chance to go to Yunnan,you’d better have a look at it.玉龙雪山也很棒。如果你真有机会去,你最好去看下of courseI will.I will try to persuade my parents to go 。

打算去旅游的英语对话 关于旅行的英语对话

关于旅行的英语对话 Hi,Lucy,long time no see.How is everything going?好久不见,最近怎么样?Not so good.不太2113好What happened?怎么啦?You know the final exam is coming and I’m a little worried about my results.期末考试快到5261啦,我有点担心我的4102成绩Cheer up.I believe you can make it.振作起来,1653我相信你能办到的Thank you.谢谢By the way,do you have any plan about your coming holiday?Where do you plan to do?顺便问下,马上放假了,你们有什么计划吗?想去哪儿?I hope I can go to Yunnan during the spring festival.It is very beautiful and I am interested in the local culture there.The old building,the special custom,and beautiful scenery,everything is amazing。我希望今年春节能去云南。云南很漂亮,而且我对它当地的文化十分感兴趣。古老的建筑,独特的习俗,还有美丽的风景,一切都是那么迷人。And the Yulong mountain is very wonderful.If you have a chance to go to Yunnan,you’d better have a look at it.玉龙雪山也很棒。如果你真有机会去,你最好去看下of courseI will.I will try to persuade my parents to go 。

打算去旅游的英语对话 关于旅行的英语对话

谁能提供一篇英语对话(大学用),三分钟左右,主题为暑假旅游计划 A:hello,BB:hello,AA:it's so excited.do you have any plan about the coming summer vaction?B:not yet,what about you?A:i planed to travel around.i never been to any other place before.B:oh,really?which city do you prefer,i mean,you already decide where to go?A:not yet.I want to go to Beijing,since the Olypic games was held there.I have no seen the Bird nest and the Water Cubic.That is the good choice.And I also think the seaside city is good,because in the summer,the seaside city is really full of funny.B:Yeah,good ideas.WE can go to Beijing first.And in the late of August,you can visit Qingdao.Every year,there is the beer festival.we can be the good volunteers for the foreigners,since we are majoring English.A:we?you mean,you will come along with meB:Yeah,how's that?A:Great。It is a deal。

打算去旅游的英语对话 关于旅行的英语对话

英语对话 A-Hi,Tom.Summer vacation is coming.What are going to do for it?B-I would like to get a part time job which can add my experience.What about you,Mike?A-That's good.I am planning to travel and.

求一篇关于放假计划去旅游的英语情景对话~~高手们啊!!!come on!! Jerry:What are you reading,Mary?Jerry:你在看什么,Mary?Mary:A holiday brochure.Mary:度假手册。Jerry:Cool。Where're you going?Jerry:酷!你要去哪里?Mary:Greece.I just need my plane ticket and I'm off.Marry:希腊。我只要拿到机票就可以出发了。Jerry:Don't you have to plan for visas,make hotel booking.Jerry:难道你不用办理签证,预定酒店。Marry:No,my travel agent does that.Marry:不用,我的旅行代理会做的。Jerry:Hmm.My travel plans never seem to work out.Jerry:嗯。我的旅行计划好像从来都不起作用。Marry:That's why I don't make plans.Then nothing can go wrong。

你和朋友去旅行,然后准备什么东西的英语对话 Dear?Tom:IN?this acation?about?7 June?I'm Travel to Beijing。will?be?13 June come back,if?you?are free,do?you want?going with me?we can?by?bus。

一篇英文作文,你打算和谁去旅行,把你和朋友的有关对话写下来. My conversation with a friendTime:2 July in 2010Location:GanYao home townMy friend,I now is:the interviewer that you were interviewed.I ask you to answer,ok?Friend:good。I:from your friends,you have to remember,what place?And I can share?Friend:of course.I have been to many places。Xitang,peach blossom island town,huangshan,China sea,Qingdao,Shanghai,hangzhou,hainan and zhoushan.I:wow。I really envy you.Have you been to many places。Do you think that you have been in place,where most of these?Can say to listen to?Friend:actually,I feel?Home is the most beautiful place in the world,.Because,the home is like a ship can make small harbor,A comfortable bed,A warm nest,One can shelter base。This harbor,welcome our boat moored.The comfortable bed,can let us take a rest.The warm nest,to meet us anytime.The shelter of the base,let us in rainI:that's right。I think so too,his hometown is the most beautiful,warm,cozy place.At the same time,I also like my hometown.He gave me a happy childhood。.

写一篇英语小片段. A:What are you going to do next weekend?B:l'm going to take a trip.A:Where are you going to go?B:I‘m going to Hai Nan.A:How are you going to get to there?B:I’m going to take the ship to there.A:What are you going to do there?B:I‘m going to go swimming in the sea.A:When are you going to go?B:Next Saturday.A:OK.Have a good time。

用英语写“小朋友,快要过暑假了,你打算和谁去旅游,把你和朋友的有关对话写下来, hello kids,the summer vocation is coming.where do u plan to visit and who do u want to travel with?could you write down those possiblt relevant conversations please?

关于旅游的英语情景对话 A:It's wonderful that I have ten days holiday.I want to start a trip,but I don't koow where to go.B:That's a long holiday,you can relax yourself happily.Well,last month my friend Li came to Harbin.


