我写信给你们的杂志翻译 我用意大利文给尤文图斯写了封信,他们会看么?


“一份儿童杂志” “我很荣幸写这封信给你们” A magazine of child.It's my pleasure to write the letter to you.

我写信给你们的杂志翻译 我用意大利文给尤文图斯写了封信,他们会看么?

英语作文:假如你是中学生李华,给在英国的笔友Tom写信,告诉他你们学校为了丰富学生的学校生活而开展的俱乐部活动情况主要内容如下 Dear Tom,I have seen your letter and knew you want to know the extracurricular activities of my school.

我写信给你们的杂志翻译 我用意大利文给尤文图斯写了封信,他们会看么?

一篇初中英语作文 Dear XXX periodical office'Im writing to express my congratulation for you,your company has established 5 years.during these 5 years,you have gone through many difficults,you have successed now,Im a loyal reader of your magazine since you started this magazine.your magezine can give me much things not only happy but also many knowledge.Hope that you can gain and success in the future.Yours sincerely.XXX亲爱的某某杂志社:来函表达我对你们的祝贺之情,贵刊已创办5年了,在这5 年里经历了不少的困难,但现在已经取得了成就.自贵刊创办以来我就是你们的忠实读者,你们的杂志不仅可以给我带来欢乐还可以从中学到不少知识.希望你们在以后可以去多越来越多的成就.真诚的、xxx

我写信给你们的杂志翻译 我用意大利文给尤文图斯写了封信,他们会看么?

写作 (20分)假设你叫李华,是一家英文杂志社的心理咨询师。某中学生小王给你写信,提到自己偏胖,想节食减肥,征 Dear Xiao Wang,I have received and read your letter,in which you mentioned that you wanted to lose weight by dieting.It is only natural that young girls at your。

我想给小俱乐部写信 但是不熟悉这个俱乐部怎么办 上网查一查


