这是我们的实力英文 “我们用实力说话”英语怎么说?英语高手来


英语怎么翻译?1这给予我很大发挥空间2这给予我很大想象空间3这能展现出我们真正的英语实力 1 This gives me big room to carry out.2 This gives me great imaginery room;3 This can show our real strength.

这是我们的实力英文 “我们用实力说话”英语怎么说?英语高手来

英文翻译。。。我们实力相差悬殊,我根本就没法跟他相比。 our strength gap is too wide,there is utterly no comparability

这是我们的实力英文 “我们用实力说话”英语怎么说?英语高手来

英语翻译 1.Time is the only criterion to test truth.2.Considering the strenghth of the opposition,we did very well to score two goals.3.He lost the match,while his good manners made people believe that he was.

这是我们的实力英文 “我们用实力说话”英语怎么说?英语高手来

我们班有实力 用英语怎么说 Our class has strengths

英语翻译 我们是国内一家非常有实力的设计公司,看到你们在2013年北京国际设计周的展览我们非常喜欢,不知道你们是否有兴趣再来中国展示一下,如果有兴趣的话 请回复我们的邮件We are a very strong design company in China.We.

英语翻译 Strong technical power,excellent quality,delivery management and aftersales service are our guarantees to customers.Strict production control,inter-procedure inspection,outgoing inspection for every product make the best quality assurance.

英语翻译 I believe that your trust together with my own ability will bring us common success.Hope that I can contribute my own portion to your company.

