我没有很多的时间吃午饭的英语 有很多时间吃午餐英语短语怎么说


我们没有时间回家吃午饭,用英语说两种说法 We have no time to go home for lunch.Time does not allow us to go home for lunch.

我没有很多的时间吃午饭的英语 有很多时间吃午餐英语短语怎么说

有很多时间吃午餐英语短语怎么说 很多时间吃午餐A lot of time to eat lunch

我没有很多的时间吃午饭的英语 有很多时间吃午餐英语短语怎么说

英语翻译 It is wrong to let children to eat candy.he was so busy that he did not have time to eat lunch.i stopped to have a look and found nobody get hurt.many movie star appear in that advertisement to draw t.

我没有很多的时间吃午饭的英语 有很多时间吃午餐英语短语怎么说

我没有太多时间吃午饭翻译 I don't have too much time for lunch.供参考。

英语中如何表达我没有时间吃午饭 I have no time to have lunch.I have no time for lunch.I don't hav any time for lunch.I don't have any time to have lunch.亲:每天都开心V_V。thanks。

今天中午你有时间和我吃午餐吗?英文翻译 Would you have time for lunch with me today?for lunch 已经是吃午饭了,无需强调中午

我没有很多时间吃早饭.英文咋写? I don't have enough/much time to have breakfast.I haven't enough/much time to have breakfast.希望能帮到你

英语翻译 1.他在边弹吉他边唱歌He is playing guitar while singing.2.吃午饭的时间到了It's lunch time.3.每晚你睡多长时间?How long do you sleep every night?4.别忘了带上你的照相机Don't forget to bring along your camera5.我正在为我的女儿找一件裙子I am looking for a skirt for my daughter.

英语中如何表达我没有时间吃午饭 I have no time to have lunch.I have no time for lunch.I don't hav any time for lunch.I don't have any time to have lunch.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thanks。

