指挥官翻译 薛帕德的头衔准确翻译是中校还是指挥官?


请问【约翰指挥官】这个名词的英文翻译是【Commander John】还是【John Commander】哪个在前面,为什么 Commender John 对。中文里,人名在前,称谓/职位/官衔在后是习惯,比如 张先生,王女士,李校长,赵主任,刘将军,等等。而在英文中,正好相反:张先生-Mr Zhang(而不是Zhang Mister)王女士-Ms Wang(不是 Wang Miss)李校长-President Li(大学的)赵主任-Director Zhao刘将军-General Liu

指挥官命令他们前进。怎么翻译 The commander ordered them to go forward

英语翻译 所以她迅速挤身前列.这肯定跟她的运气有关.我们甚至连所有的指挥官在哪儿都不知道.

薛帕德的头衔准确翻译是中校还是指挥官? 在游戏中,NPC称呼主角是“Commander Shaperd”国内的翻译组有的翻译为薛帕德指挥官,有的翻译为中校。

指挥官下达命令后,通常执行者会说~“收到”~ Roger.Copy.Yes Sir.Get it.Understood.Order confirmed.Loud and Clear.这些都是通过电台的回应,不算正式,也没有什么规律,看说话人当时心情了.当面接受命令一定要是Yes Sir了.

英语翻译 In The hunt Red October number\"(The hunt for Red October 1990)he played The role of The Soviet submarine commander;The\"house of Russia in The 1990s(Russia)and what gurdwaras amiable and sainted old elder;Justice\"(1995)and career upholding justice and fair legal old professor;The First knight\"(First knight of the heroic justice 1995);king Arthur The task of The jedi\"(1996)plays a crazy people 100 square people save The San Francisco in fire and water of British old spy.In 1999,romantic thriller,steal days\"(Entrapment)trap,Sean turn as a super thieves,and British actress Catherine zeta Jones dialog-heavy films has achieved great success,.

请问【约翰指挥官】这个名词的英文翻译是【Commander John】还是【John Commander】哪个在前面,为什么

英语翻译 1.A decision made by the commander often means the difference between life and death.2.If you want to take this profession,you should always gain new knowledge.3.The words our teacher said just now h.

指挥官翻译 薛帕德的头衔准确翻译是中校还是指挥官?


