全球化背景下科技翻译的现状 求助中文摘要翻译


印度为什么不能统一语言 印度目前使用的语言有:hindi,印地语;印度官方语言之一,印度斯坦人的文学语言;bengali,

全球化背景下科技翻译的现状 求助中文摘要翻译

英语翻译一下。 在科技不断进步、经济全球化模式日益完善的背景下,加工贸易已经成为各国或各地区参与国际分工、实现资源有效配置的重要形式。文章首先对新形势下我国加工贸易发展现状述评,然后对中国加工贸易存在的结构性问题进行分析,由于供需结构、区域结构、产品结构等多方面存在问题,导致加工贸易有效供给不足、大量产能过剩,接着结合“一带一路”和供给侧改革剖析了在新形势下加工贸易发展潜力,最后从迎合主要市场需求、开拓新兴市场、优化区域资源配置、加快技术创新、培育人才和完善加工贸易监管制度及服务等方面提出政策建议。With the continuous progress of science and technology and the increasingly perfect economic globalization model,processing trade has become an important form of participation in international division of labor and effective resource allocation by countries and regions.The article first commented on the status quo of China's processing trade development under the new situation,and then analyzed the structural problems existing in China's processing trade.Due to problems in supply and demand structure,。

澳门大学的研究生在内地的认可度高吗? 教学质量怎么样呢?。因为: 我已经毕业多年了,澳大中文系现在的入学要求我不清楚 我更不清楚一个未曾谋面的人的实力是否可以获得offer 我更更不清楚澳大其他院系专业的招生。

求助中文摘要翻译 In the 21st century,the rapid development of a knowledge-based economy in the context of globalization,a lack of innovation and technological core competence is very difficult to share the results of globalization,national competitiveness in the increasingly to independent innovation as the core technology Strength.China to the increasingly fierce international competition to seize the initiative and eventually developed,it is necessary to the continued development of independent innovation as the fulcrum.Independent innovation for the full implementation of the concept of scientific development and promoting economic growth and optimization of industrial structure,improve the innovation capacity of the whole society is of great significance.Enterprise is the main body of independent innovation,only the promotion of innovative enterprises with independent intellectual property rights,to make our economic and technological development in this highly competitive in the 。


