写一篇关于网购的英语作文,不少于60字,主要写网络的利与弊和期望,不要粘 拼团购物英语作文


“网购拼团”用英语怎么表达 英语:\"Online spell group

英语作文:随着网络的普及,网上购物日渐流行… 望采纳2113,谢谢。With the development of Internet,and people tend to shop on the Internet.Online shopping has provided some benefits for us,but it also has some disadvantages at the same time.随着互联网的发展,越来5261越多的人4102喜欢在网上购物。网购给我们1653带来了一些好处,但是它同时也有一些缺点。For one thing,online shopping has brought some convenience for consumers.Instead of going one shop to another,people can choose and buy all kinds of commodities they like as long as they click the mouse gently.This is not only a better choice for the old who do not have enough energy to go outside but also a great convenience for those who have no time to go shopping in person.In addition,consumers have choices and can do some comparison when they are shopping on the Internet.They can glance over various commodities in all shapes,sizes and colors and decided to buy or not.Furthermore,online shopping has made a great contribution to the development of express 。

求一篇讨论关于购物利弊的英语作文,不是网购,就普通购物的那种 First,a domestic shopping is convenient and direct home delivery,homes can be purchased commodities to provide a convenient life.In summary:Domestic cart full 。


