二氧化碳返炉试验报告 化学实验报告 二氧化碳的制取及性质 要求准确完整


写一篇关于呼出的气体是二氧化碳的英语实验报告 Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom.Many factors contribute to the production of carbon dioxide,among which the human activity will be the biggest culprit because it is found that the level of carbon dioxide has increased substantially since the industrial revolution.For example,the exhaust gas from factories and vehicles may exacerbate the global warming effect.As a result,the negatives of the carbon dioxide are and obvious including the impairment of human’s health condition such as respiratory depression.Another major damage that carbon dioxide brings about is global warming,which is threatening countless lives in the Earth recently.However,it is never too late to mend.The decrease of the amount of carbon dioxide can be achieved by publishing laws against excessive production of waste gas as well as by launching campaigns against deforestation.

测定1mol二氧化碳的体积实验报告 器材:500ML量筒一个 水槽一个 胶管一个 弯头玻璃管一个 集气瓶一个 插着玻璃管的胶塞一个材料:Na2Co3 0.83g 足量的稀盐酸Na2Co3+2Hcl=2NaCl+H2O+Co2↑连接好装置 如图在集气瓶里装入足量的稀盐酸 在量筒里装满水倒置在水槽里 水槽里也装满水在集气瓶里投入 0.83g碳酸钠迅速盖紧胶塞 开始收集气体待碳酸钠完全反应后 查看量筒里水面的刻度 就是你搜集的气体体积 再乘100 就是1MOL二氧化碳的体积虽然有些不够严密 但这也是比较简单的方法

请你用化学方法设计一组对比试验,并填写实验报告. 取一瓶收集满氧气的集气瓶,将瓶口向上,移去玻璃片,一定时间后,将燃着的木条伸入瓶中.另取一瓶收集满二氧化碳的集气瓶,将瓶口向下,移去玻璃片,隔相同时间后,将燃着的木条深入瓶中,依据木条的燃烧情况不同对比观察实验的现象即可得到相应的结论;故答案为:实 验 过 程:①取一集气瓶正放,移去玻璃盖片,过一会,将燃着的木条插入瓶中.②另取一瓶倒置,移去玻璃盖片,隔相同时间后,将燃着的木条插入瓶中.实验现象:①燃着的木条熄灭.②燃着的木条继续燃烧;解 释:①过一会,瓶内二氧化碳浓度仍较大,故燃着的木条熄灭.②集气瓶倒置二氧化碳跑出,故燃着的木条能继续燃烧.


