志愿者帮助外国交换生适应新环境英语作文 申请外国交换生英语作文


美国交换生的英语作文 32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333339666664I have been three for a year,as you knowthat I am a exchangestudent.Everytihing is strangethanks to my teachers and friends' help,i have leant much.In the past few years I have been in the school club,we have leant from each other,and helped from each other.When I had problems they always helped me.And also I have been to mang places in interest such as The Great Wall,The Summer palace,Tian'an quarter and so on.Also I have tasted the delicious food China is a country with a long history,so I haven't missed learning about Chinese history and cultury.My experiences in china are few.but I believe Iwill have many special stories in china.

英语作文:假定你是李华,你结束国外学习 Hi Al,I'm writing this email to thank you for taking good care of me during my stay at your home.It was a short one month stay but I had a great time.I could barely speak when I first came.Thanks for being patient and correcting me all the time.You were such a nice guy.You drove me around and showed me so many cool stuff.I had so much fun.Now I'm back to China.I wish you to live a good life.I miss you and look to hearing from you.Yours,XXX

向外国交换生说来自己家的好处的英语作文 J1国际交换生,中美交换生项目是非营利性政府项目,为年龄在15至18周岁之间的中学生而设。本项目可使中国中学生持访问学者签证(J-1)顺利到达美国,居住在美国家庭里,并。


