美少女的谎言15 为什么美剧《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars)在国内没有那么火?


美少女的谎言第三季第15季36:16所播放的歌曲叫什么?? Grow by NeuloreAria&Meredith talk at the Brew about Byron snooping and the night Alison was murdered.I Can Feel the Pain(Drip Drip Drop)by Ryland ThompsonPlays at the party when Hanna confronts Mona.Losing Ground by Trent DabbsThe girls are at the brew talking about their anxiety dreams&Harold's office;Mona talks to them about Harold.Tightrope by Felicia BartonEmily&Paige drive into the woods at night.Scared of Me by Fedde le GrandSpencer&Mona quiz-off showdown.15集就公布了这些插曲,由于没有情景描述,只能你自己找找啦

美少女的谎言第一季第十五集,9分钟左右时候的插曲,谁知道是什么啊? Hey Na Na by Katie HerzigAria invites Ezra to a Basia Goldsmith art exhibit.Leave It All Behind by Allie MossEzra surprises Aria with a limo for their date and Hanna is released from detention.Ella has problems with her car not starting.Redeeming Love by Amy StroupAria and Ezra take a break from the art exhibit and kiss on the front steps of the museum.Heal for the Honey by Brooke WaggonerAria tells Hanna about her date with Ezra and Emily swims alone in the RHS pool.Get Ready by The DaylightsEmily beats her teammate,Paige,in a practice for freestyle swim.那集就这几首插曲了,由于没有场景描述,只能你自己找一找了~

pretty little liars美少女的谎言 17集什么时候出? 今天美国时间2月14日星期一(北京时间2月15日星期二)播出《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars):The New Normal S01E17 20:00 ABC Family


