如何评价印度电影《调音师》的结局? 短片调音师影评


请问法国微电影《盲人调音师》 是有什么寓意么?让人想的是什么?有点不懂。 结局不重要。这是一部至少要看三遍的优质短片。一遍浏览大概一遍回味全局一遍深思咀嚼。看过的悬疑类电影其实不多,但自认为无论从技术层面还是故事结构,短小精悍的调音师绝对算得上上乘之作。浓缩的13分钟可以说尽显世间百态。泰姬陵的故事也在发挥着举足轻重的作用。人生有很多种可能,失败的钢琴家说不定是成功的调音师;表面微笑的服务员或许疲于应付内心肮脏无比;带着面具的人类在毫无威胁的弱者面前可以百分信任卸下防备;我们做着各种掩耳盗铃的举动却自认为高明。影片的开头就在设局,双眼无神的老者,穿着裤衩的弹琴者,只留出轮廓的暗中人,由琴声串连在一起,茫然不知其所以然。琴声忽然戛然而止,终结声不知是枪声还是关门声。这是最妙的地方,因为结局不重要。重要的是你的判断。附带提示说,不要太入戏,诱惑越多越要勇于反省自我,知道适可而止,如果你觉得自己永远正确,枪声可能就在下一秒响;还有人说这是告诉我们任何事情一开头了,就必须得继续,即便是不喜欢也要装下去,这才有全身而退的机会。百家之词,没有对错,全盘取决你看它的角度。

[电影点评]关于《调音师》看懂了吗?果不其然的却是“人性” 宝宝知道是由研发,面向备孕、孕期、0-6岁父母的专业母婴知识社区。宝宝知道与三甲医院联手提供定制化及可视化服务。在这里你可以得到孕育知识、权威专家在线答疑。

求微电影《调音师》的英文版介绍、影评 又叫 piano turner 是法国32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333330336336的微电影。Adrien is a blind piano tuner that is hired by Simon and who enters lots of houses in the easiest way.He was originally a relatively good piano player one year ago who had in mind to win the Bernstein award,but he failed and he felt sorry for himself and made the decision to tune pianos going to his clients’places…with an extra advantage:being a silent witness of what people do around him,and sometimes he perceives fantastic things that could be unimaginable in other circumstances.But everything has its price.The first scene shows Adrien playing the piano in underwear and someone behind him.But there is a secret in him that is revealed when he is with Simon in a café…and it is a lie that can be a huge risk for the one telling it and one never thinks of the consequences that it can bring.The story of the way the Taj Mahal was built is a verbal introduction to the story that we will 。


