关于动物保护组织的英文 关于动物保护的一些英语翻译。


关于动物保护的一些英语翻译。 自己翻译的…希62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333238666234望有用啊好累啊…都深夜了…1,Long time ago,human beings and animals lived together on the earth.2,However,since people began to pay attention to fashion,some animals with its unique feral fur come into people's sight,many beautiful creatures such as fox,leopards were killed cruelly.3,Because of human's activities,the problems of water pollution,air pollution,light pollution and destruction of forests have occured,the greenhouse effect,soil erosion,ozone hole,the radiation brought by high-tech and artificial electronic magnetic field have forced the life of animals into the rattrap.4.Animals have to compete with humans for larger space.Therefore,recently the conflicts between wild animals and humans occur frequently.5.What's worse,many people will enjoy the game to see the lives of innocent creatures be killed on the table as a kind of fashion,6.Fortunately,animals life are cared for by and 。

世界动物保护组织英语怎么说,要全称 World Animal Protection Organization

有关动物保护组织的英文报道 1.stop wearing clothes made of furs2.stop eating wild animals3.protect the environment where wild animals live in4.stop huntting wild animals as a joy5.decrease the pollution of the environment6.reinforce(加知强)道 the consciousness(意识回)of the importance of wild animals to our human7.propagandise(宣传答)the need to protect wild animals8.make movies about wild animals to enhance people's unstanding of them

