如此匆匆的英文翻译 我要英语散文,中文翻译的也行,朱自清的《匆匆》有了,就是要像这样的英语文章。谢谢


英语翻译 1 Hallstatt(Hallstatt),known as the world's most beautiful town.2 small town,an hour willbe able to walk around,but people are like here,to savor.3 Some attractions worth only a cursory l.我要英语散文,中文翻译的也行,朱自清的《匆匆》有了,就是要像这样的英语文章。谢谢 Relish the moment享受现在Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent.We are traveling by train.Out of the windows,we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways,of children waving at a crossing,of cattle grazing on a distant hillside,of smoke pouring from a power plant,of row upon row of corn and wheat,of flatlands and valleys,of mountains and rolling hillsides,of city skylines and village halls.我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光。我们仿佛身处一次横贯大陆的漫漫旅程之中。乘着火车,我们领略着窗外流动的景色:附近高速公路上奔驰的汽车、十字路口处招手的孩童、远山上吃草的牛群、源源不断地从电厂排放出的烟尘、一片片的玉米和小麦、平原与山谷、群山与绵延的丘陵、天空映衬下城市的轮廓,以及乡间的庄园宅第。But uppermost in our minds is the final destination.On a certain day at a certain hour,we will pull into the station.Bands will be playing and flags waving.Once we get there,so many wonderful dreams will come 。英语翻译 Sweet day,so cool,so calm,so bright。甜美的白昼,如此凉爽、安宁、明媚。The bridal of the earth and sky-天地间完美的匹配-The dew shall weep thy fall to-night;今宵的露珠儿将为你的消逝而落泪;For thou must die.因为你必须离去.Sweet rose,whose hue angry and brave,美丽的玫瑰,色泽红润艳丽,Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye,令匆匆而过的人拭目而视,Thy root is ever in its grave,你的根永远扎在坟墓里,And thou must die.而你必须消逝.Sweet spring,full of sweet days and roses,美妙的春天,充满了美好的日子和芳香的玫瑰,A box where sweets compacted lie,如一支芬芳满溢的盒子,My music shows ye have your closes,我的音乐表明你们也有终止,And all must die,万物都得消逝.Only a sweet and virtuous soul,唯有美好而正直的心灵,Like season‘d timber,never gives;犹如干燥备用的木料,永不走样;But though the whole world turn to coal,纵然整个世界变为灰烬,Then chiefly lives.它依然流光溢彩.求\ you brought me surprise,but why,you left me all of a sudden英语翻译 As time goes by,we can never return to the past,maybe we fall in love with each other ever,but it can be the time of heart-broken when we meet again.If so,it is not as good as the feeling of the first.英语翻译 三年匆匆的时光这个痛苦又难忘的地方 痛苦的是我们的感情如此难忘 难忘的是这些痛苦我们携手扛 很幸运遇见你们在这个地方 这里有一起晒过太阳的操场 这里有我们埋怨过食物的饭堂 那些相互依靠的肩膀 激励我们度过难.

