关于青岛旅游的英语作文 青岛游记英语怎么说


用英语介绍青岛景点 Scenic Spots Qingdao is a popular tourist city in China.Its unique geographic location and historical background turned Qingdao into a tourist city and summer resort as early as the 1920s.Qingdao has beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate.A harmonious picture of mountains,sea and city is painted in which one can see the winding coastline,islands and beautiful buildings whose red-roofs are held in the embrace of verdant trees.These European-style buildings used to be home to many famous figures.Qingdao is the ideal choice for vacations,entertainment,business,conferences and exhibitions.The western part of Qingdao is the old city proper,where the traditional red-roofed buildings,green trees,blue sea and clear sky can still be seen,while the eastern part of Qingdao is the newly developed area of the city and has many modern buildings.The contrast between the old and the new city gives Qingdao its cosmopolitan Euro-Asian characteristics.Along the sea shore from east to west,where a vista。

如果只会说英语可以去埃及吗?我想自助游(从青岛到埃及)请提供详细路线,谢谢 应该可以吧,这两种语言现在是最普遍的,如果你还担心的话,可以在当地请个翻译,详细的。

青岛方特英语游记如何写 Qingdao fantawild.青岛方特。

今年暑假你和家人去青岛游完了.用英语表述一下你的所见所闻. Qingdao is one of the most beautiful cities in China.The scenery in Qingdao are graceful,the environment are very nice.We are very proud of the city.The traffic in Qingdao is crowded,but is not a.

青岛游记40字英语作文 2004年7月24日;星期六;晴今天,青岛的天气格外晴朗。一大早,我们便乘车前往青岛的旅游圣地――崂山参观游览。以前,我从蒲松龄小说《崂山道士》中知道了崂山。今天,真的来到崂山,才知传说中的崂山不仅是一座道观,而且奇峰突兀,怪石嶙峋,深谷幽洞,飞瀑流泉,树木遮天,那山、那水、那石就好似一幅美丽的风景画,令我惊叹不已!夏令营带队的老师终于说完了他要叮嘱我们的话,我和另外一个小营员就像两只飞出牢笼的小鸟,快速向崂山顶飞去。一路上,我们时而攀石,时而涉水。路边五颜六色的小花在微风中不停地向我们点头,好像在说:“欢迎你们――远方的小朋友!崂山真美呀!清澈的溪水在我脚边淙淙流淌,山路随着溪水曲折迂回,险峻的悬崖奇峰怪石随处可见,更妙的是还有一些又大又漂亮的蝴蝶在我身旁翩翩起舞,令我陶醉。当前方发出巨大的流水轰鸣声时,我快步飞奔到崂山第一瀑布――潮音瀑前,只见那泉水飞流直下,跌入深似大缸的洞湾,溅起了朵朵水花,让人觉得浑身舒展、心旷神怡。不知不觉到了集合的时间,我急忙往山下走去。虽然这次我和伙伴们没有爬到山顶,但崂山的美丽还是深深地印在了我们大家的心里。

关于青岛旅游的英语作文 青岛游记英语怎么说

用英语写一篇青岛游后记,70词左右 Last summer,I went to Qingdao with my parents.I had a good time。The weather in Qingdao was not very hot.I visited many places of interest.Qingdao is very beautiful。I saw so much frustrating sights.I a.


