涩谷街头购物 日本的潮牌有哪些?


英文高手帮忙翻译~~~~。 Harajuku,astringent valley area street dress style comparison and researchAbstract:\"Street fashion\"original in the 1960 s,is the social economic development and at the same time the social culture construction level the relative lack of contradiction of the product.He happened in the street to the younger generation as the carrier.In today's society,street fashion is its special way influence the young generation of wearing and used in traditional western dress culture.Today,Japan is the streets of Tokyo street fashion of an important development.Harajuku,astringent valley as Tokyo important street fashion rendezvous,is developing a unique Oriental characteristic street fashion culture.The main research contents are as follows:(1),The relevant literature reading and study.This source of street fashion and characteristics,comb harajuku,astringent valley street fashion culture gathered in the source and street trend form,and the relevant related concepts are discussed in this paper。.

在大阪生活是怎样一番体验? 大阪作为日本第二大城市、关西第一大城市,经常被拿来与东京做比较。同时,以东京为代表的关东 和 以大阪…

有人知道每天涩谷大屏幕放的那个日本加油的歌是谁唱的吗? 歌名叫什么 MTV里每个人都举个牌子:顽张ろう日 顽张ろう日本 只知道这句话是 加油日本 的意思 你应该是在日本呢吧·你应该比我清楚


